Sequel to the Ninja Turtle Spin-off series, "The Foot Clan," in which it is discovered that the Foot ninjas originated from a small ethnocentric community in rural Virginia that was relocated to Japan in the early 1800s, at which time they reached their level of notoriety they enjoy today. It's a documentary, actually.
And that's also the only thing that it has in common with my foot. Earlier today, for absolutely no reason that I can see, my foot slowly began to build up an ache, a pain, a non-pins-and-needles sort of feeling that has persisted ever since. It started off small, something along the lines of a sore muscle. "Okay," I told myself. "I can deal with this." Soon, the ache began to build, slowly but surely intensifying until it was vaguely uncomfortable. I just knew something was up.
I had a test in TaeKwonDo (was pretty easy as per usual), and it didn't really bother me throughout the class. At least, I was able to ignore it. It finished, I came back to the room, did some stuff, showered some skin, and decided my foot HURTS.
This pain, whatever it is, has decided to progress merrily along from one small isolated spot on the opposite side of the arch of my left foot to a large isolated spot on the opposite side of the arch of my left foot. It's localized pain, which I suppose is a blessing. At least it's not spreading to my other foot (yet [knock on wood]), but nearly the entire bottom of my left foot feels like there's an alien hatchling chewing through the flesh. Mmm. Fresh meat. I suppose I really can't blame him. My feet are some quality chunks of human, after all. Probably go for ten bucks an ounce on the Plutonian black market.
Just, please, burst out soon so I can get a prosthetic.
Despite the icky feeling I get whenever I hear about feet, think about feet, read about feet I still read your entire blog about your foot! That last paragraph made me squirm.
PS - sorry that your foot is giving birth to your parasitic twin :\
A baby flesh-eating alien does not sound like a good start to the week.
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