Saturday, September 5, 2009

Re: Classes & Mailbox Loot

As requested, elaboration!

~ School starts
sub: classes
Okilydokily! Classes! You asked, and so here it is. I'm taking TaeKwonDo (yey), Empirical World lecture (bleh) and lab (meh), Old Testament Survey (yey), Creative Writing (yey), Survey of American Literature 1 (...yey?), and Survey of World Literature 1 (yey). Now there's a funny story surrounding my classes. At least, I find it amusing. Judge as you will.
First off, I was originally not at all pleased with my class schedule for this semester. It ran full days on Monday/Wednesdays, which isn't so bad. I can handle a full day or two. But then my Tuesday/Thursdays were ugly. I had a class from 10:30-11:45, and then a break of two class periods before having another class at 3:00. Ugh. I was not at all looking forward to having a big gap between classes. I'd rather have them be in chunks and just get them over with. And then, to top it off, I had a Friday class - which I was able to avoid all last year.
Okay, so classes start, things are actually looking pretty decent; I've accepted the fact I'm going to have this big gap between things on Thursdays. I have a 9 o'clock class (American Literature) M/W/F, but my roommate (Steve) and next door neighbors (Cody and Andy. Names are important, y'know) all have 9 o'clock classes as well. Sweet deal. Won't be a problem waking up. Well, Cody and I discover we have different classes in the same room at the same time. That seemed a bit odd, so we walk over, figuring we'd puzzle it out at the class room.
As it turns out, the class I had thought was at 9 was actually at 11. Well darn. Now I'd probably be sleeping in later (nice, but I'd prefer to be forced to get up early. Call me a masochist). Now I'm all thrown off. Things are looking bleak when, lo and behold, I discover there's a World Literature class at 9 M/W/F. Well. Isn't that enticing? It's part of my requirement anyways, and if I took it, it would mean I could drop my 3:00 T/Th class (Christian Worldview. A junior class, which I wouldn't have minded if it wasn't for the time). So that's what I did.
And then I head to my Old Testament class (which, incidentally, has about half my floor enrolled) and discover my professor is just about the epitome of awesome. Professor Westbrook, you are just about the epitome of awesome. So cool. And then my Empirical World Lab professor reveals himself to be a pretty cool guy, as well. A former male model (and he says it's exactly like Zoolander), he's chill, understanding most of us don't really want to be there. Let's us out after a half hour. I think I like you, Professor Michael Smith.
TaeKwonDo was killer. Soresoresore. But fun.
As for my Empirical World lecture, I attended the first day, and left thinking "Well, 5 out of 6 awesome classes isn't bad." The professor just seemed really, really bland. Okay, that's not true. He seems like a really cool guy; it's more the material. I came back to the next class and reviewed my notes, and I remembered writing about 1% of them.
But actually, it's starting to get a little interesting now. I really am some kind of glutton for learning, I think.
And so my (tentative) final schedule is as follows:
Monday: World Lit (9:00-9:30), Am Lit (11:00-11:50), Old Testament (1:00-2:15), Creative Writing (2:30-5:30), TaeKwonDo (8:00-9:15).
Tuesday: Empirical World Lecture (10:30-11:45)
Wednesday: Same as Monday, except Empirical World Lab (3:00-6:00) instead of Creative Writing.
Thursday: See Tuesday.
Friday: The first two classes of Monday and Wednesday.
So, really, I'm much, much happier with this schedule.
And I'm tempted - oh so tempted - to add Hip Hop right after my Empirical World Lecture class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yes. Very tempted.

sub: mailbox loot
Alright, let me set up some background:
As per usual, I tried to order all my textbooks online. Since I have two literature classes, I had to buy two sets of anthologies (Gosh and darn. I had to buy story books), so that was pretty exciting when those came in the mail. There were also some novels I had to buy, and novels are always exciting to receive. So the totals for nearly all my schoolbooks for classes was about $150. Not bad, considering it would probably be about double that if I bought them in the bookstore. Plus, most of those are books I'll probably never sell. This was a Friday.
I was a little miffed when I had to buy my science book (and I'm very glad I'm not a science major). The textbook in the bookstore was $130, and the lab book (which each student has to buy. No photocopies allowed) was about $60. So, together, they would add up to about the same as all my other books combined. But, I went online and found both books for $120 new. Score! This was also on Friday.
Besides that, I had surplus financial aid this year. So I head over to the business services office, right? I ask them if I can withdraw the surplus, right? They say go online and request a check, right? So I do that, right? I send in the request, but - funny thing - there's nothing asking me how much I want to withdraw, so I'm thinking they're either going to send me a blank check or maybe a hundred dollars or something. Whatever. They say it will arrive Thursday. This was a Friday. Cool beans.
And then I brought my Gamecube to school (well, technically, I bring a new used Gamecube to school after buying it to give my sister an early birthday present. She wanted to keep the old one), but I left my only memory card with my sister. Figured she could use it more. Now I'm here at school playing video games with floormates, and we are lamenting our inability to save anything. We can't unlock new characters or anything. So I decide to peruse Ebay and pick up a 32 Mb (whereas my old one was 4 Mb) for $10. This was a Monday. Probably take about a week or so to get here.
So I'm way excited to check my mailbox each day. That same Monday, most of my books arrive (so exciting), but I'm still waiting on my science books. Tuesday, nothing. Wednesday, I get out of chapel, open my mailbox, and pull out a check. Is it blank? No. Is it for $100? No. I'm fairly certain it was my entire surplus (and after checking with Business Services, I discover I was correct, although only for one semester).
I won't say how much it was for, but I have to say I actually made an audible exclamation of surprise. And now I'm sorely tempted to buy a Nintendo Wii (but I will resist, of course. Frivolous spending). I also receive a slip of paper saying I received a package and can collect it inside. "My science books are here. Oh joy," I think.
I go inside, hand over the slip, and the lady comes waltzing back with this tiny, cushioned envelope. "What in the world? There's no way the science books will fit in that," I think. "Thank you very much," I say. Extremely confused, I open the envelope.
And find a memory card! Huzzah and hurray! What a pleasant surprise! That was definitely the best day as far as mail went (I received my science book on Thursday [not as exciting]. Unfortunately, it was only the text book, so I'll just have to buy the lab book in the bookstore [but I actually have cash for it now!]).
Now I'm kind of depressed because I'm not expecting anything else in my mailbox. So sad.

I think I'll pull through.

And that just about wraps those two subjects up. If my faithful reader(s?) is interested in anything else, just let me know! Here's the remaining list:

~ Summer
sub: getting out of school
sub: selling knives
sub: Halloween costume?
~ School Starts
sub: room and roommate and dorm and dormmates
~ Anything else
sub: specify
sub: maybe other stuff I've forgotten and will remember later?


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