Friday, October 23, 2009

Who Needs Energy Drinks?

Energy flows through my veins! Chemicals, chemicals rushing, rushing, wreaking havoc on my organs. That's right. Energy drinks. Those cans filled to brimming with radioactive waste scooped from the nearest sewer pipe of large, industrial factories.

Who needs them?

I don't. All I need to do is live. The fresh air, the oxygen, the nitrogen, the homework I need to all provides a rush like no other! I need to scream, I need to dance, I need to engage in some kind of activity that will leave me breathless, muscles aching, tongue lolling, heart beating from a cool, natural high. Endorphins. I love endorphins. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't! And did anyone else notice endorphins sound like a heavily-accented Chinese man trying to say dolphins?

I claim babbling. Look at my blog title. Don't like it, write a letter. Form a committee. Get in line. What line? There is no line. Tough. Make one.

Babble babble, tower of rabble
Cheating fools of murder all.
Dabble dabble, tower of Babel
And then downwards ever fall.

Freaking jerks. I can't believe they built that tower. Can you imagine how much easier life would be if we all spoke a single language. Yeesh. Makes me want to punch a cowboy.

Okay, I'm done. Good to get that off my chest. I rambled a little bit. A little bit.

In other news, my foot stopped hurting after that one night. Well, it still hurt, just not as much as that first night. It's actually feeling pretty good right now. And I don't have a prosthetic. The alien was very good about seeping through the pores of my foot. Godspeed little alien spawn, wherever you are.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Child of the Foot

Sequel to the Ninja Turtle Spin-off series, "The Foot Clan," in which it is discovered that the Foot ninjas originated from a small ethnocentric community in rural Virginia that was relocated to Japan in the early 1800s, at which time they reached their level of notoriety they enjoy today. It's a documentary, actually.

And that's also the only thing that it has in common with my foot. Earlier today, for absolutely no reason that I can see, my foot slowly began to build up an ache, a pain, a non-pins-and-needles sort of feeling that has persisted ever since. It started off small, something along the lines of a sore muscle. "Okay," I told myself. "I can deal with this." Soon, the ache began to build, slowly but surely intensifying until it was vaguely uncomfortable. I just knew something was up.

I had a test in TaeKwonDo (was pretty easy as per usual), and it didn't really bother me throughout the class. At least, I was able to ignore it. It finished, I came back to the room, did some stuff, showered some skin, and decided my foot HURTS.

This pain, whatever it is, has decided to progress merrily along from one small isolated spot on the opposite side of the arch of my left foot to a large isolated spot on the opposite side of the arch of my left foot. It's localized pain, which I suppose is a blessing. At least it's not spreading to my other foot (yet [knock on wood]), but nearly the entire bottom of my left foot feels like there's an alien hatchling chewing through the flesh. Mmm. Fresh meat. I suppose I really can't blame him. My feet are some quality chunks of human, after all. Probably go for ten bucks an ounce on the Plutonian black market.

Just, please, burst out soon so I can get a prosthetic.