Friday, September 4, 2009

Update? Update.

Forward the paper, dip the pens! I'm updating my blog. Because it's been sofreakinglong since my last update, and a ton of stuff has happened, I'm not even going to attempt to write it all up. It would take much, much too long.

Instead, I'm going to make a list. Yes, a list. This list will be a short list. Choose one [maybe two], and I'll elaborate on it.

~ Summer
sub: getting out of school
sub: selling knives
sub: Halloween costume?
~ School starts
sub: classes
sub: room and roommate and dorm and dormmates
sub: mailbox loot
~ Anything else
sub: specify
sub: maybe other stuff I've forgotten and will remember later?


1 comment:

JBrianneJahn said...


mailbox loot

PS - thanks for the update :)