Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Time to Take Some Action, Boys

It's tiiiiime tooooo fooollooow meeeee!

Forgive my momentary lapse into Disney song. It won't happen again...okay, it probably will. Forget I said that. What set it off this time? Well, I needed a title for this post. That's what. 

How has it already almost been two weeks since my last entry? I think someone greased that wheel of time thingy. Nowadays, time just seems to fly by like there's no tomorrow - or rather, like it wants tomorrow to be today already. Jeez, what happened to stopping and smelling roses? I mean really. How uncouth.

Anyways, life goes on, the cafe food gets old, and I ride my bike. It's a lot of fun. Most anywhere I need to go is within four miles of campus. Oh, I also test for my yellow belt in TaeKwonDo tonight. That oughta be fun. Much more fun than giving my next speech on Wednesday will be. 

As far as schooling goes, I'm beginning to look to next semester and what classes I'll be taking. Thanks to the many classes I've taken at community college while in high school, I should be exactly a semester ahead. That revelation made me awfully giddy. 

Now, what else is happening? Oh yes! November is almost here (darn that wheel!), and that means NaNoWriMo! Woohoo! I'm so excited. This will be my second year of participating in NaNoWriMo. If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, just add .org to the end of it and look it up. It'll explain itself much better than I can. And this time around, I actually have a friend who is doing it with me. Woo, go Chelsea!

Okay, I'm done. Let's go attack the castle now. 


Anonymous said...

What is the subject of your novel this time?! Please say its dirty zombie sluts who make a living doing stand-up comedy in the underworld of post-modern neochina!

Anonymous said...

Entries like this make me want to write my own blog.